Our hearts and prayers go out to all those effected by this terrible occurance. Please know this is not an act of God. God loves us. One way I figure I can help in the healing being that I am on the West Coast is to send proceeds from my book. So from now through Christmas, from any book sales I will send $15.00 to the Rebuild Staten Island Project. I learned about this through the postings of one of the three fire fighters who raised the flag at Ground Zero pictured in the now iconic picture we have all seen. So I trust it. You can find out more by going to www.rebuildstaten-island.com. Since this is basically on Facebook another website you can check out about this is www.wepay.com/donatetions/reubild-staten-island.com. And if buying a book is not the way you choose to donate, buy one of their shirts or donate to your local Red Cross or Salvation Army location.
God Bless and Keep you Safe.